This past week I’ve had the pleasure of being at Content Live, an event created by Janet Murray (love marketing, make money) to help people like me with their businesses. And o.m.g did it help! There was so much value packed into it that I decided there’s no way I can keep it to myself! So I’m going to share the top 10 lessons I came away with in the hope that you might find them helpful too.
Today is lesson #1 and it comes from the first speaker, Dan Knowlton, an expert on video. The title of his talk was “Stop talking about video (and actually do it!)” and he basically called us all out on not being brave enough to do video! He was totally right though, I mean I do a Facebook live most weeks, but it’s well prepared and I’m always relieved when it’s done!
Dan taught us a quick way to prepare for a video so it flows well but isn’t scripted. And then, he got us to do one. There and then, in a room full of people. There’s no time like the present as they say!
Anyway, it got me thinking about all the other stuff that we talk about but often just don’t do. Places we want to go, activities we want to try, changes we want to make. We can talk about them forever but if we don’t actually do anything then we’re never going to make them happen. Talking about it is the easy bit. Doing it isn’t always as easy but at times we build things up and make it harder than it really needs to be.
So, stop talking about, and actually do it. Whatever it is you want, unless you take action it’s probably not going to happen. What do you want to make happen? Go and start today.