Busy or productive?!

How many times have you heard someone saying that they can't do something because they're too busy? How many times have you made that excuse yourself? Because that's what it is, an excuse. And you either have reasons, or you have results.

I'm not fond of the busy myth that's been sold to us in recent times, it's almost as though if we're busy that's a good thing, and it means we're very important (don't you know)? I can't possibly do XY orZ because I'm far too busy! Rushing from one thing to another isn't good for us, and please don't get me started on multitasking (that's for a whole other day)!

What I really notice though, is that busy doesn't mean productive. To be productive you have to produce something. And to produce something you need to stop, focus on the thing that you are doing, and stick with it until you're finished. But, you have something tangible at the end. Better one thing done than five things started but abandoned. 

So next time you hear the word busy coming out of your mouth, stop and think. Do you need to be productive instead? Let me know what you've produced lately in the comments!