
Tenacity is the ability to keep going, even in the face of challenges and set backs, until a goal is reached. Another description (which I like better) is persistent determination.

When we set goals, or have something we want to achieve, often we see it as a straight like to the end, like it’s a 100m sprint that we just hurtle through and achieve. Whether that’s because we want it to be easy or we really want to achieve it, it doesn’t matter.

Most of the time the reality will not be a flat straight running track with perfect conditions. Most of the time, we are striving to achieve something we know will be challenging for us. Worthwhile goals are not typically easily attainable. I mean, fantastic if it is easy! But also maybe check you haven’t set the bar too low if that’s the case.

Tenacity is important because those things you want to achieve are often on the other side of a mountain, through an obstacle course, several hurdles, and past a few krypton factor style challenges.

If you know what you want (and more importantly why you want it) then it’s easier to keep yourself motivated through the challenges, the long days, the inevitable failures along the way.

Tenacity is the thing that will get you over the line though. Being determined to achieve the goal, being persistently determined, despite what is thrown at you on the way. Tenacity means you won’t give up.

It’s much easier to have tenacity if you’re not tired, so making sure you’re well rested will help you achieve your goals. And rest means both sleeping well, but also taking time out to do more restful things and not overworking. That’s counterproductive as it will lessen your perspective and ultimately lead to burnout.

It’s much easier to have tenacity if you feel well, so look after your health. Go for the check ups. Take time off if you’re ill. Prioritise your health because without it, you’ll need even more tenacity to achieve your goals.

It’s much easier to have tenacity if you’ve got a great network of friends and allies to support you. This doesn’t happen by accident, you need to curate your network. Be a friend, and be an ally. Make time for people in different aspects of your life, and build relationships with them so they know they can rely on you and vice versa. And most importantly , lean on these friends and allies when you need them. Even if you prefer to be independent and not show any weakness. They’ll be more likely to lean back when they need help too.

It’s much easier to have tenacity if you’re looking after yourself. Being resilient enables you to be more tenacious. Which means you’re more likely to achieve your goals. So yes, absolutely strive to achieve your goals, but not at the expense of your health or welllbeing. Working all the time at the expense of a social life and spending time on your hobbies is not only counter productive it’s a one way street to burnout.