
How do you know when you’re in the wrong job?

Let’s get right to the point. There are some very clear signs that you’re in the wrong job. You probably know already deep down that you are, but the thought of dealing with it is more than a little bit scary. It’s probably your livelihood. Unless you’re super savvy or have loaded parents, there’s probably too much month left at the end of the money. But before you freak out completely, I’m here to show you that finding a new job or career is possible for you. There is a step by step process to follow that will get you out of the wrong job and into the right one, and I can help with this.   

So, how do you know you’re in the wrong job? Well firstly, how do you feel when you’re away from it? Are you excited about getting back to the buzz and challenge, or are you feeling sick at the thought of what’s gone on while you’ve been away and dreading going back to face the music? If you’re worried about what’s happening while you’re not there that’s a strong indication that there’s a problem. 

The second thing you need to consider is whether this has always been like this. Was this the right job at one time in your life? Try and pinpoint what changed to help you understand the change you need to make. Maybe it’s gradual change that has meant what you do day-to-day has evolved into something different, something you’re not passionate about or that isn’t one of your strengths. Maybe it’s more paperwork, or more numbers or analysis for example. This will give you valuable insight into what you want instead.

If it’s not gradual change, maybe you can pinpoint the issue to something or someone specific. Maybe a new boss or a new colleague? If this is the case there are things you can learn to help manage these difficult folk. I’ve written a blog here that might help:

Blog - How to deal with a difficult colleague.

Chances are that wherever you go, you’ll come across someone that you don’t gel with and the sooner you learn to deal with them effectively, the better. It might help make your life easier in the short term too. 

Another sign that you’re in the wrong job is that you’re bored. You could do it stood on your head and with your hands tied behind your back. You spend your days watching the clock, waiting for home time. You can’t motivate yourself to do all the things you need to do so you just wait until you have a deadline and then work like the clappers to meet it. Well, it’s one way to keep yourself challenged! There are better ways though!  

Finally, listen to your instincts. You don’t need me to tell you if you’re in the wrong job. Chances are, if you’ve read this far you probably are, but maybe you just don’t know what you should do about it, or whether you should just stick it out. I mean at least you have a job, right? Even if it is impacting your health and well-being. Keeping you awake at night. Interfering with your social life. Making you feel exhausted and miserable. 

I think the question to ask yourself is why? Why would you want that for yourself? Why do you think you don’t deserve better? Because it doesn’t have to be this way.  

The first thing to do is work out what you do want. I’ve created a short coaching audio to help you do that, it’s called the clarity kit.  

Take the first step now. Because you don’t need to wait any longer.  
