
Want to be happier at work? Do this one thing...

Work and Happiness aren’t two words often used in the same sentence, but if you want to make it more likely for yourself then there is one simple thing you can do. Get yourself a work best friend. Aka a work bestie. 

Now I have to say, as a strong and independently-minded female of the species, I do like to do things on my own. I don’t want to “need” anyone else.  

But, research shows that people who have a best friend at work are happier and perform better. It left me wondering why that might be.

Maybe it’s having someone who has your back. Maybe it’s having someone to confide in so you can get things off your chest. Or maybe it’s just knowing that whatever the day throws at you, someone will be around to help you pick up the pieces if you need a hand.

I think that final bit is the key. It’s not about leaning on someone all the time. It’s knowing you have someone you could lean on if you needed to that gives you confidence you can handle most of the things that come your way.  

When I look back at my career, the times when I had to forge new relationships from scratch were the hardest, but the effort is worthwhile as it pays dividends.  

Remember we are social creatures and having a friend (and being a friend) is something that helped us survive, evolutionarily speaking. It will probably make your day more enjoyable now too. 

If you don’t have a work bestie, it’s time to start the search. Make an effort to strike up conversation, ask someone to lunch, and put yourself out there a bit more so you can find someone who you have some common ground with. Remember, it will make you happier and perform better so it really is worth putting the effort in. If you don’t have a work place that’s no excuse either. Cultivate work friendships remotely, you’ll both be better for it. 

And if you do have a work best friend, go and see them tomorrow and tell them how much you appreciate them. And maybe do a little happy dance too if that floats your boat*

* I may or may not have practised salsa steps in the ladies loo with one of my all time favourite work besties to stave off stress. I would highly recommend trying this at home (or work as the case may be) but watch out for slippy floors!  

** Work besties may move on (sob) but great friendships last the distance.  

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