
Who better to learn from than the expert!

I’m just back from a very productive few days in London at Content Live #2019sorted.

See what I did there with the hashtag? No, me neither! Honestly I’m not usually at the forefront of emerging technology (having held on to my faithful blackberry with its wonderful keyboard for about three years past the discontinued date and about ten years after everyone else realised the iPhone was far superior, I got there in the end after a few “subtle” hints, like arriving back to my desk to see someone had printed a picture of an iPhone and stuck it on my blackberry alongside a note that suggested I make my way into the 21st century!!). 

Anyway I digress. At Content Live this week I managed to nab a seat right next to bookishbronte, one of the speakers and also an Instagram expert! Now I did already have Instagram to be fair, but it was used purely for the purpose of keeping an eye on my almost- teenage son’s social media activity. Apparently I’m one of those strict mums who are, like, soooo old fashioned, and he was like the last person ever of his age to be allowed it. Ah well, mum knows best as they say! 

The great thing about Content Live though, was it wasn’t just learning about the theory, we actually had to put things into practice. Right away! With no time to perfect it or find an excuse. Just do it as they say!

One of the tasks was to do an Instagram story, and to be fair I only really half knew what that was. But handily, being sat next to the expert and with her help and patience, I soon sussed it out. It’s fair to say I won’t be giving her a run for her money any time soon, her pictures are so creative and clever and inspiring, if you’re on Instagram go and check her out and prepare to be wowed. 

I don’t think anything beats learning from an expert, whatever field it’s in. Trial and error is a slow process, and often painful too. Someone sharing their knowledge, experience, and shortcuts is invaluable. As is just doing it, trying something and taking the leap. It’s the fastest way to success. And who would want to take the longer route?



PS Still wasn’t sure I was doing that right but almost-teenage son has confirmed that hashtags look okay (he supposes)….