
Highlights (not the hair type!) ...

So following on nicely from yesterday’s video about reminiscing, I’m wondering if any of you have been thinking about the past year? 

This time of year I always get reflective, and think about what’s gone well and what’s not gone quite according to plan!  

One thing I’ve tried to do more of this year is to stop and celebrate when things have gone right for me. I’m naturally impatient and I have a tendency to set my sights immediately on the next challenge but all that does is leave you feeling like you’re constantly striving and never really achieving. If you want to feel like you’re avhieving then you need to celebrate your achievements!

How you celebrate is up to you, and for me it varies depending on what I’ve done. This year it’s ranged from celebrating a new client with a posh ready meal and a glass of wine, to celebrating running a live event with a board game marathon with the kids to wind down, to celebrating getting my accounts done early (for the first time ever!) with spending some time baking. Whatever floats your boat as they say! 

There were lots of highlights to pick from this year for me personally but I’ve finally decided on my favourite. My newest niece arrived in the summer so now not only do I have a hilarious toddler niece to keep me amused, I also have a cute baby niece to have cuddles with. 

Next time you get a few minutes to reflect, think back on your year and see if you can come up with your highlight. I’d love to hear what it is.

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