The start of a new year often goes hand in hand with the reflections of the previous year and alongside that, intentions for the coming year. New Year’s resolutions are much maligned as they are often based on setting the bar really high (go big or go home!) and so creating difficult to achieve goals that most people have given up on before January is out.
Whilst resolutions aren’t ideal for this very reason, taking time to reflect on the year that’s passed and what was good about it and what you’d want to do differently if you had the chance is helpful. So often we move straight onto the next thing to do and we don’t take the time to stop and consider what we’ve learned and celebrate what we’ve achieved. It’s something I’m learning to get better at.
The end of the year naturally makes me reflective, and having some down time over the festive period is a good opportunity to think over the good (and not so good) bits of the year just gone. When I looked back at last year I know I learned a lot, both about myself and also new skills. I was lucky enough to have a great mentor who was down to earth and pragmatic. There were some quite big changes and I was flexible and adaptable which helped navigate the choppy waters. I’m also more confident in myself and my abilities than I think I’ve ever been. Whether it’s age related, or experience related, I don’t know but I do know that it feels much easier.
Which brings me to my intentions for this year. I already had some goals set which is not unusual since I’m a coach! It’s important to know where you want to go though and to see your progress on that journey. Sometimes it doesn’t work out as planned and the goals change as you get closer to them but that’s a good thing because we evolve as we make progress.
There are two things I didn’t prioritise last year that I want to do differently this year. The first is hobbies. I’m probably not going to say I’ll devote every Wednesday night to going to a class for example, but there are a few things I want to try once (singing lessons, cookery lessons) and some things I want to pick back up so I can dabble when I need a break. I’m deliberately setting the bar low here, it’s more about loose planning than rigid resolution so it’s hard to fail.
The second thing I want to prioritise is exercise. Bite sized small chunks of exercise is the way forward for me, so I’ve put my weights where I can see them, and then next thing is to find my running shoes and put them somewhere I can see them too. Rome wasn’t built in a day! Seriously, I was thinking of a half marathon but it feels too much like a commitment that I’ll end up regretting and the pressure will put me off, so I’d rather have the option to run when I want and see how it goes and sign up at the last minute. That’s the plan.
It’s not too late to do your reflections and intentions now, whatever the time of the year it’s worth looking back and thinking about what changes you want to make. Just don’t put yourself under pressure to achieve perfection, remember that little bits of progress add up to giant leaps if you do them consistently.